Lapsang SouChong
This price reflects 15-20 cups of tea. This is a superior leaf black tea with character, which hails from the Wuyi region of the China province of Fuijan. This is a highly sought after tea with a very smooth teste that reacts well with your palatte. Please pay attention to the brew time on the label.
These teas are some of the purest forms of tea that you can acquire! Our purchases are well travelled so that you will have the opportunity to taste premium teas that are desired in different countries and continents.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please call 888-p1nk-tea or email within 24 hours of receiving your product(s) to discuss a return or refund. If you reach out after the 24 hour period, we can not issue any refund or return due to perishables. We look forward to making your next purchase better than your last and thank you for your business!
If your product needs to be shipped, a standard gound transportation method is used, so you can expect your product in normal standard postal times (3-5 days). If you would like expedited shipping, please call 888-p1nk-tea. Thank you for your business!